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Junior Pathway

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Georgetown Prep Tennis Club follows the United States Tennis Association Net Generation™ philosophy for junior tennis development.  Net Generation™ teaches tennis with age and ability in mind, with courts and equipment sized appropriately to make learning easy and fun. 

Within each program, we strive to maintain a ratio of no more than  4-6 students to an instructor.  Players are subdivided by age and ability, to ensure a fun and productive practice.

Wimpletons (Ages 4 - 7)

This program has been specifically developed for the beginning tennis player, using a small court, low net and red, low-compression balls.  The class is both fun and active with an emphasis on motor skill development and tennis movement. Classes meet for an hour each week. 

This program is also available in the summer season for ages 4 - 7.  Click HERE to register.   

Junior Netters (Ages 7 - 10)

Playing on a smaller court (60’) with either the red or orange compression balls and an appropriately sized racket, kids can learn faster than ever. Younger and less experienced players use the red ball and learn  basics of court movement and stroke making. Older, more experienced players graduate to the orange ball. Classes meet for 1 ½ hours once a week.

Click HERE to register.

Junior Aces (Ages 10 -13 or skill level)

This program is for the intermediate junior player, who understands proper technique, ball control and rallying skills.  The course uses the green dot ball, which is also used for this age group for USTA match play.  Students will learn lateral movement and how to hit with depth, spin and patterns of play, as well as transition to yellow balls. 

Click HERE to register.

Drill and Play (Ages 12 and above or skill level)

Playing with the official yellow ball, students should use correct technique, demonstrate some consistency and be able to serve.  Focus is on technique changes necessary to achieve different spins, change of direction and shot depth. Implementation of strategies during point play is also taught.  This program is for the more serious junior player, who has experienced some competitive situations, but wants to move to a higher level through intensive drilling and match play.  Classes meet for 2 hours. 

Click HERE to register. 

Mid-Atlantic Tennis Academy (advanced juniors by try-out only)

The Mid-Atlantic Tennis Academy (MATA) is an intensive clinic designed for the more serious junior player looking to improve strokes and game strategy skills to maximize their match play results.  The classes involve focused drilling combined with competitive point and match play, building confidence and a strong foundation with which to compete.  MATA is designed for the entry-level tournament player.  The program will focus on advance stroke technique, game strategy, footwork and conditioning. A playing signing up for both classes in a session will see a significant improvement in his/her game and will receive the discounted member rate pricing. 


Registration is by approval of our Director of Junior Development. Please call 301-816-9713 or email Anthony Kountouris.  New players may have to schedule an evaluation, a paid 1/2 hour private lesson scheduled with one of our Pros. See our schedule for MATA class times.  Pricing for a two hour class is the same as the pricing for Drill & Play.



High-School Training (9th graders and above)

This program is designed for the high school player looking to improve all aspects of their game and become a valuable part of their high school tennis team. Participants must be in high school with prior tennis experience and are looking to push themselves to the next level. The program will consist of advance stroke technique, tactics, fitness and match play. 

Click HERE to register.

For information about registration,

program placement, make-ups and

other policies, click here.

Outdoor Season
Mon - Fri: 6 am - Dusk
Sat/Sun: 8:00 am - Dusk
(May through September)

10900 Rockville Pike

Rockville MD 20852


Indoor Season
Mon - Fri: 6 am - 11 pm
Sat/Sun: 7 am - 11 pm
(October through April)

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